Golden Hour Engagement

When A and P contacted me for their engagement photos and we talked about ideas for their session, we decided on a gorgeous field at sunset. However, being that we live in Washington, although gorgeous, the weather doesn’t always cooperate. And boy did we (almost) end up disappointed. The week before their session weather wise, we were still looking good. I always keep an eye on this starting about a week before any session, but don’t really trust any of it till about 24hrs before hand. (Even then, sometimes WA just does what she wants). The day before their session I called A and let her know it looked like it’d be partly cloudy with chance of rain. whoomp whoomp. BUT with a chance of rain, that also meant, there’d be a chance of no rain and SUN! Since we were kind of on a scheduling/time crunch, we decided to give it a go, I’ve learned if there’s a chance of rain usually you can avoid it by bumping up (or back) the session by a little bit. We arrived at Flaming Geyser State Park to, you guessed it, clouds and RAIN! We chit chatted for a bit on what to do as we could see the system looked like it was moving and we might be able to wait it out a bit, so that’s what we did! It gave me a chance to get to know them more and just as we were thinking of relocating, we drove up the road to find a possible spot, and BOOM, the clouds parted and the most gorgeous sun rays burst through! Our patience definitely paid off! I could not have asked for a better sunset session!